Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together. Woodrow Wilson #quote #taolife

Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together. Woodrow Wilson  #quote #taolife

Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.

Woodrow Wilson

#quote #taolife

The art of life is kindness, so live kindness ~ Gaye Crispin

#taolife #EcoOrganics #Chatuccino

Tweet Your World! ~ #quote #tweet #twitter #taolife

Tweet Your World!  ~  #quote #tweet #twitter #taolife

Tweet Your World!

#quote #tweet #twitter #taolife


The art of life is kindness, so live kindness ~ Gaye Crispin

#taolife #EcoOrganics #Chatuccino

The world turns aside to let any person pass who knows where they are going ~ Epictetus #success #quote #taolife

The world turns aside to let any person pass who knows where they are going  ~ Epictetus  #quotes #success #taolife #posters

The world turns aside to let any person pass who knows where they are going.



The art of life is kindness, so live kindness ~ Gaye Crispin

#taolife #EcoOrganics #Chatuccino

“Did you know that kind people have 2 times the amount of …..” Kindness Poster #Kindness #KindnessPoster #Poster

Did you know that kind people have 2x the amount of DHEA, which slows the aging proccess, calms you down, and makes you happy.  Did you know that kind people have 23% less cortisol,  the infamous stress hormone.  And did you know that kind people have the power to change the world!  Kindness Poster

Did you know that kind people have 2x the amount of DHEA, which slows the aging proccess, calms you down, and makes you happy.

Did you know that kind people have 23% less cortisol,  the infamous stress hormone.

And did you know that kind people have the power to change the world!

Kindness Poster

The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but …. #Einstein #Poster #quote #taolife

The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing. Albert Einstein #Poster

The world is a dangerous place, 

not because of those who do evil, 

but because of those who look on and do nothing.

Albert Einstein


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International Year Of Statistics, 2013 #Posters

2013 International Year Of Statistics

What would the world be like without statistics?

A World Without Statistics

A World Without Statistics

2013 International Year Of Statistics

Benefits Of A Clear Vision by Gaye Crispin @gayecrispin #vision #inspiration

Vision – Noun: The manner in which one sees or conceives of something. 
A mental image produced by the imagination.

Vision without execution is hallucination. Thomas Edison

Benefits Of A Clear Vision

by Gaye Crispin 

A clear vision is one of the rarest things in the world,

transforming you into a force.

A force to be reckoned with!

A clear vision furnishes a peephole into the future,

multiplying your energies in the present,

securing you the advantage of forward-vision in this game called life.

A clear vision simplifies and strengthens your decision-making,

exposing potential flotsam and jetsam,

reducing waste and risk of error.

A clear vision bolsters your mental capacities,

particularly when addressing options.

Such is imperative when determining, “Which road to success?”

A clear vision engenders boldness and spunk.

Because your blueprint sprang from your heart, it provides passion and confidence to forge ahead.

A reliable navigator, like the casting out nines.

A clear vision empowers its host,

because deliberate, purpose-filled actions produce results.

With each result ferrying you closer to your actualised dream.

A clear vision renders impossibilities possible,

transforming, like aqua regia on gold, obstacles into advantages.

Happy confluences of circumstance frequent the lives

of those who don’t consider life a game of chance.

Where there is no vision the people perish. SolomonA clear vision trumps circumstance,

unleashing new realities,

imparting breath and life into our most Lazarus of derelict dreams.

A clear vision synthesizes inner and outer worlds,

blending all separate parts into unique oneness,

manifesting a strength of purpose all can know, yet few achieve.

A clear vision unleashes your full potential,

commissioning you as both potter and clay,

The Appointed Architect Of Your Own Destiny,

And a force to be reckoned with!

© Gaye Crispin 2012


Do you have a clear vision for your life?

Have you a written personal vision you’d be happy to share ?

If so, I’d love you to.

Wishing you health and happiness,


Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.
Jonathan Swift

about Gaye Cripin