May you be happy always ~ Honoré de Balzac #quote #taolife

May you be happy always ~ Honoré de Balzac #quote #taolife

May you be happy always.

Honoré de Balzac

#quote #taolife 


The art of life is kindness, so live kindness ~ Gaye Crispin

#taolife #EcoOrganics #Chatuccino

TAOLife Studio Posters and Quotes

Social Media Cheat Sheet for Small Business ~ Poster #poster #taolife #business

Social Media Cheat Sheet  for Small Business ~  Poster #poster #taolife

Social Media Cheat Sheet


Small Business

#quote #taolife

The art of life is kindness, so live kindness ~ Gaye Crispin

#taolife #EcoOrganics #Chatuccino

You may also like the posters and quotes at TAOLife Studio

Great Poster! Left Brain vs Right Brain ~ #poster #taolife

Left Brain vs Right Brain  ~  Poster   #poster #taolife

Left Brain vs Right Brain


#poster #taolife

The art of life is kindness, so live kindness ~ Gaye Crispin

#taolife #EcoOrganics #Chatuccino

You may also like the posters and quotes at TAOLife Studio 

Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together. Woodrow Wilson #quote #taolife

Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together. Woodrow Wilson  #quote #taolife

Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.

Woodrow Wilson

#quote #taolife

The art of life is kindness, so live kindness ~ Gaye Crispin

#taolife #EcoOrganics #Chatuccino

Be prepared and be honest. John Wooden #success #quote #taolife

Be prepared and be honest. John Wooden  #success #quote #taolife

Be prepared and be honest.

John Wooden

#success #quote #taolife

The art of life is kindness, so live kindness ~ Gaye Crispin

#taolife #EcoOrganics #Chatuccino

Never ever give up ~ #poster #quote #taolife

Never ever give up  ~  #poster #quote #taolife

Never ever give up.

 #poster #quote #taolife

The art of life is kindness, so live kindness ~ Gaye Crispin

#taolife #EcoOrganics #Chatuccino

Winners are not people who never fail, but people who never quit. #quote #success #taolife

Winners are not people who never fail, but people who never quit.  #quote #success #taolife

Winners are not people who never fail,

but people who never quit.

#quote #success #taolife

The art of life is kindness, so live kindness ~ Gaye Crispin

#taolife #EcoOrganics #Chatuccino

Wise men talk because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something. #taolife

Wise men talk because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something. Plato  #quote #taolife

Wise men talk because they have something to say;

Fools because they have to say something.


#quote #taolife

The art of life is kindness, so live kindness ~ Gaye Crispin

#taolife #EcoOrganics #Chatuccino

‘A Tribute To Dogs’ by George Graham Vest – for Sarah Wilson @MySmartPuppy #taolife

A Tribute To Dogs by George Graham Vest  For Sarah Wilson    @MySmartPuppy - A woman who lives her passion

A Tribute To Dogs by George Graham Vest

For Sarah Wilson @MySmartPuppy

A Woman Who Lives Her Passion


The art of life is kindness, so live kindness ~ Gaye Crispin

#taolife #EcoOrganics #Chatuccino

Diligence is the mother of good fortune. Benjamin Disraeli #quote #success #taolife

Diligence is the mother of good fortune. Benjamin Disraeli  #quote #success #taolife

Diligence is the mother of good fortune.

Benjamin Disraeli

#quote #success #taolife

The art of life is kindness, so live kindness ~ Gaye Crispin

#taolife #EcoOrganics #Chatuccino